What is gratitude?
Well when we look up the definition of Gratitude on Wikipedia we get this:
grat·i·tude [grat-i-tood, -tyood]
the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness: She expressed her gratitude to the committee for their support.
When I started Grateful Grahams one of the most important aspects for me was to create a company that was more than just a bakery. I wanted to create something that spread a message and that message was GRATITUDE. Today and every day not only do I ask myself “what I am grateful for” but I am constantly asking you our consumers “what you are grateful for”. This has become a the key piece to our mission and values. This has become part of our packaging and it is so fun when people all over the country are telling us what they are grateful for.
Want to share your gratitude? Head over to our gratitude page where you can add what you are grateful for right now!
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