I am not even sure where to begin. To say that The Good People Festival met my highest hopes is an understatement. Here is a bit on how I felt the day went.
For a couple of months prior Ian, Amy, & I met numerous times to gather info, share, and make a plan. A call of action to volunteers, vendors, and community went out. And did they respond!
Sunday October 12th, many of us showed up around 8am to transform the space of Baker Hunt into this vendor, venue haven. One by one vendors started showing up, setting up tents, musicians arriving with instruments in hand, and a gratitude wall stretched between 2 beautiful old trees going up 3 layers high. We were ready.
The clock struck noon and one by one the community began showing up- there were people coming to our festival! Through out the venue you could hear conversations with friends, laughs over hot coffee, and community coming together to celebrate art, music, and gratitude.
Through out the day over 500 people stopped by, some for a few minutes others all afternoon to take part in the first annual The Good People Festival. Multiple times people asking when the next one was, can we do it in the spring, etc. Wow. We did it.
The Gratitude Giving program kicked off here too with a raffle to benefit Make Goebel Great, raising over $600 for their efforts in transforming Goebel Park.
C’est Cheese & Babushka Pierogies were there serving up lunch all day long. Over 18 vendors there selling there wares in and out of the buildings on the property!
Green Bean Delivery was there handing out organic apples & Whole Foods Market was there with a make your own trail mix bar.
Kids gathering in the corner coloring, building instruments. Circus Mojo & The Kenton County Public Library both making appearances.
I am in awe. Still. Taking in the moments from that day and what a spectacular day it was. From the bottom of my hard, 4 1/2 years of hard work, and a community that ceases to amaze me THANK YOU to all who was involved.
Thank you volunteers. Thank you to Jim. Thank you vendors. Thank you musicians. Thank you City of Covington. Thank you to my parents.
Thank you to Maureen, Ian, and Amy. Thank you all. I am so grateful.
Good job! The venue looked fabulous! The number of vendors was amazing! The music was great!
Again, good job. What a fun door for all your visitors.