Friends, I want to share something so very special that is being created right now. A Grateful Plate was a dream and vision of a dinner by the bite bringing together women – chefs, producers, and farmers- a new spin on this type event. We are working with female farmers to grow the food, the chefs […]
Check it out!
As we mentioned we are so excited for the Artworks Big Pitch! We wanted to send YOU more information! Link for ticket sales: Awesome video that Cosette put together telling a glimpse of our story: Thanks you guys for helping us spread the message of gratitude and of course eating so many awesome Grateful […]
Artworks Big Pitch
We are super duper excited to be part of the Artworks Big Pitch . This is an amazing opportunity to share our story, impact our community, and hopefully win $15,000 to help us grow. Read the Citybeat article. Read the Soapbox Cincinnati article. Tickets go on sale soon for the August 27th event, we hope you […]
Your voice + our bag = spreading gratitude
We are creating MAGICAL stuff over here in graham land. One of them is working with Focus 5 Design on a label redesign. As we grow we know two of our most important aspects are gratitude and community. So here we are working on the new amazing label that will also have color coded flavor labels {!!!} but […]
We are so excited to be applying for the Chase Mission Main Street Grants this year. If you remember last year, our friends from Blue Oven Bakery won one of the grants. Help us keep the money in this region and cast your vote for us! We need 250 votes to make it on to […]
Help us GROW….in less than 5 minutes!
Grateful Grahams is growing! And we need YOUR help! We’re talking to new people – who know nothing about Grateful Grahams… (I know, hard to believe, but they are out there!) It made us realize that we need to know more about how YOU – our Grateful Grahams community – thinks about us. Please […]
Farmers Market Season is here!!
We are so excited to be getting back in the swing of our summer markets. We love doing farmers markets!! Its a time to connect with our customers, be in the sunshine, and share our message of gratitude! Catch us at the following all summer long: Tuesday: Loveland Farmers Market – 2nd & 4th Tuesday […]
Our future’s so bright…
I gotta wear shades! All month, we’ve been reflecting on the past 5 years and trying to map out the next 5. We’re working on some amazing projects (more to come – too early to share!) and even new and improved packaging for our grahams!?! I remember sitting at my house, printing labels on my dot […]
Our gift to you!
5 years is forever in small business and yet for me it has flown by in a blink of an eye. 2 kids under 5, a teenager, a business, an incubator kitchen, and a music festival under my belt. Time has flown. I love any reason to celebrate- anniversaries, birthdays, Mondays, the sun is shining- […]
Happy Birthday to us!
Five years ago in my home, with a 5-month-old on my hip and 1 kid in grade school, I created Grateful Grahams. Can you believe it? As a mom, woman, dreamer, community builder here, I was in my house putting together the biggest step I had ever taken. Step, let’s go with a LEAP! I […]